Fees & Charges
Thanks to the nature of our business is distribution oriented, most of income comes from brokerage / commission and referral fees.
MF Brokerage Disclosure (for clients only):
Access Restricted to our clients only!
All the details about remunerations can be seen here. Mutual Funds' Brokerage will not exceed the SEBI prescribed limit .
Access restricted to our clients only. They can "request access" after logging in to their Google account, with email ID registered with us.
Further, for some stand-alone services below are the applicable Fees and charges.
Appointment Booking Fees: ₹500 (for a session of about 1 hour)
A small amount is collected mainly to avoid non-serious inquiries and this amount is fully REFUNDABLE if you invest with/through us or even if we are unable to provide you with the required solution or unable to help you decide on appropriate investment.
Conveyance Charges: ₹500
This is applicable for booking in-person visit to your place for on-demand meeting, documents pick-up, etc
KYC & Other Investment Auxiliary Services: ₹500 per task (Std*)
Assistance in getting the KYC done for Investments and other Investments related services. ₹500 is standard minimum fees per task; may increase based on complexity of the task.
Upfront Brokerage on Mutual Funds: ₹1,000
Since the abolishment of Entry Load in mutual funds, SEBI has allowed Upfront commission to be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI / NISM certified / AMFI registered Distributors based on the investors’ assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the distributor. We may charge this fees on case to case basis (Typically, we charge this fees when the expected annual trail brokerage from the investment made by the investor is less than ₹500).
All above fees, except conveyance charges, will be fully waived-off, if the investor's / client's annual income is up to 3 Lakhs.
Training/Coaching/Mentoring: Fees will quoted based on scope
Theory and Practical Training on personal financial management and workshops on how to chose investments and execute investment transactions yourself like a professional. Training & coaching one-on-one basis or workshops for a small group of people.